E.T. Purple Soft Fishbone Shape Earphone Cord Wrapper Winder

E.T. Purple Soft Fishbone Shape Earphone Cord Wrapper Winder
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $2.70
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I bought this fishbone a year ago to shorten my headphone cord. I use it everyday.


Headphone cord is really shortened. Less tangling, less banging the MP3 player to door because the cord wrapped around the door knob.

There are many color to choose from, and this accessories really add some style to your music listening. It is a conversation starter for me.

The material feel soft and comfortable. Surprisingly, it does not caught dirt at all.

Very lightweight.


Only shortened the cord a fixed amount. You have to wrap the cord around the fishbone exactly like in the picture, or it won't work. I clip my player on the belt, so the length is perfect for me. But if you put your player in other place,you may find it annoying.

The holes at two ends are not strong enough to hold the cord, so if you pull hard, the cord will be dislodged.

After a year of use, I cannot straighten my headphone cord anymore.

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