TASCAM TH02-W Closed-Back Stylish Headphone, White

TASCAM TH02-W Closed-Back Stylish Headphone, White
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Sale Price: $29.99
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Made a three minute video review. These headphones match or beat the quality of $100.00 $200.00 headphones. At $29.99, these headphones are unbelievable. In my opinion they are built very well, look awesome and though made up of vinyl and plastic parts, seem to be durable enough. Again, the price begs the question, why so many other companies charge so much for their headphones. Overall excellent quality product from Tascam!

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If it means anything to anyone, this is the product that has finally prompted me to write my first review. I will be comparing the TH-02 to 3 other full-size headphones that I own, the Audio-Technica ATH-M50S, Phiaton MS400, and Koss ProDJ100.

Build Quality:

These feel lighter and cheaper than the M50's, but upon closer inspection seem very robust. The hinging and folding is achieved with a heavy-duty plastic ball joint. There's not much that can go wrong with it. The size adjustment feels a little cheap, but that's not a big concern as most people will be setting it and forgetting it. If there's something I'm wary of, it's the wire. It is made from a slightly stiffer plastic than I would prefer, but as this is a brand new product who can say how it will weather? One thing that Tascam should address is that the mini-jack needed a good cleaning before I could achieve a good connection. If this isn't addressed they might get a bunch of returns that only need a cleaning.


These are tied with the ProDJ100's as the least comfortable of the headphones listed above. The pads are stiffer feeling than the ProDJ's but they don't squeeze my head as tight. Getting a good seal was a little difficult for me. The pads weren't thick or soft enough to get a good seal if I actually placed them around my ear. To get a good seal I had to shift the pads forward slightly so that the pads actually rested on the back of my ear. This could be a problem for those with sensitive ears. Like other reviewers stated, if you have a small head these headphones may be too large even at the smallest adjustment. I'm a 6ft guy but I have a pretty small head. I have to use these at the smallest setting.

Sound Quality:

Soundwise, I enjoy these more than the ProDJ100's, the same as the MS400's, and slightly less than the M50's. These truly have a great sound for the money. They were more immersive and musical sounding than the ProDJ100's. In my opinion the sound stage was not as immersing at the M50's but better than the ProDJ100's and Phiatons. With a good seal, the bass on these headphones is excellent! It is very strong but very natural sounding and controlled. I play bass and love to follow bass lines in songs. If I were trying to transcribe a bass line from a song I would probably go to these headphones. If I were to nitpick at something it would probably be that some of the female vocals I was listening to seemed a little colored and less natural sounding than the M50's, but the M50's are a high bar for phones costing a quarter of the price!

Final Verdict:

Excellent phones for the money! Overall sound quality is better than phones costing much more. In my opinion some of the best bass I've heard in terms of naturalness and separation. Avoid if you have a very small head or are very sensitive to pressure on your ears.

PS to Tascam: Develop a version with the same guts but softer oval pads similar to the M50's, and a removable cable. I would easily pay $60 for that. Also, the silk-screened logo on a big bare sided plasticy cup makes them look cheap. Incorporate the logo into the plastic die or relief some designs to make then look better.

Buy TASCAM TH02-W Closed-Back Stylish Headphone, White Now

These headphones are 100% amazing. I could not believe the sound quality. I have been an audio engineer for over 30 years and let me tell you these headphones will match those worth $200-$300...nice wide spectrum and frequency response, you will love them, well worth the price. (no I do not work for Tascam)

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Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program As a music lover and broadcast engineer I've used, owned and auditioned countless headphones and earbuds. Although these do not have the metal headbands and leather covers that are typically part of the professional versions used in recording studios and broadcast control rooms and which cost way more than $100, the quality of sound from my TASCAM TH02-B headphones equal or exceed some of the best I've heard.

For the price, I was expecting a "cheap" sound and was immediately surprised and delighted with the excellent sound quality. I challenged these headphones from a variety of sources ranging from a smart phone and laptop computer to a component stereo system. I played classical, pop, instrumental and vocal music from known high-quality sources and consistently experienced rich bass, crisp high frequencies and sweet reproduction of string instruments. Playing a CD digital recording of pipe organ music through these headphones dazzled me with almost teeth rattling bass. Bass violins and cellos come across with a fullness and sweetness that usually comes only from live performances.

Piano music is reproduced through these headphones with astonishing clarity; almost like being next to the instrument. If you've never listened to your music with headphones of this quality you may hear things in the performances that you never knew existed with fidelity that you did not know was possible without huge, expensive speakers. A good measure of sound quality is to be able to listen at elevated volume levels for long periods without "listener fatigue." I experienced no listener fatigue after listening to music through these headphones for several hours.

These headphones and the padded, foldable headband are made from a polycarbonate material. Its wide range of adjustments should accommodate most any head size. The padded ear cuffs and the spring force of the headband make a tight seal to ensure good bass reproduction and keep external noise out. The 9+ foot long cord terminates in a 1/8" (3.5 mm) plug. An adapter is included for connecting these headphones to 1/4" jacks that are common on stereo receivers and in broadcast studios. These headphones are relatively heavy and the tight fit can make listeners feel isolated from their surroundings. This can be good or bad depending upon your circumstances. In any case, these headphones look "professional," sound remarkably good for the money and can, in my opinion, challenge the reproduction quality of headphones that cost several times as much.

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Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program I've tried these out in head-to-head (excuse the pun) runs versus Steelseries, Plantronics, Panasonic, and Sony headphones that all cost more... and the Tascam TH02 keeps up!

I'm really surprised at how well they perform. Lows are good, mids are clean, and highs are crisp. Yes, the lows could be a bit beefier, but out of the headphones I compared it to, only the Plantronics excelled in that area.

For fit: I have a large noggin; like, size 7 5/8 hat. And these headphones fit well! Not too tight, snug, but not confining. The padding is good and soft.

Seriously, I'd rather buy three of these and burn through them if they break (which they haven't, and I've taken them everywhere) than spend $100 on another set.

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