Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $385.00
Sale Price: $199.99
Today's Bonus: 48% Off

- Bundle Includes Cubase AL Software, 10' Cable, and Headphones!
- Clean, Crunch, Lead, Brit Hi and Modern settings
- Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, Delay, Delay/Reverb, Spring Reverb and Hall Reverb effects
- Compressor and Noise Gate effects available in THR Editor
- Amp, Gain, Master, Tone, Effect, DLY/REV, Volume and Tap/Tuner Switch controls
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For playing and recording at home I literally don't need anything else. I can get any sound I want out of this with any effect that I normally use. I set this up in my living room and have not been back to my practice room since then in over 1 month. It's a beautiful little amp. The sound quality is excellent, can get clean as you want and dirty as hell. I can get it to "sound" huge while keeping the volume neighbor friendly. And it is very dynamic. Using my stock tele and my modified one the amp behaves the same if I dig into an open chord it gets a deep smooth crunch then I can pick a few notes and they ring out clear and clean all on the same amp and guitar settings. I've run it on batteries and with the wall wart. With the batteries it tends to pick up more hum, maybe the wall wart chord grounds it better? Anyway, I was almost going to buy a $900 amp little clean amp when I decided on this for the other features. I would buy this again immediately with no hesitation or questions, and I would recommend it to every guitar player. Who could not use one of these somewhere?

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