List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: Price Unavailable
Today's Bonus:
I bought a pair of these headphones recently, and received them undamaged. For three days they worked without a hitch, sound quality was fine, not great, not bad. Then, at night, I was listening to some music, adjusted how the headphones sat on my head, slightly. I heard a small pop, and my headphones felt a bit weird. It turns out the plastic band over my head snapped in half, leaving me with two halves of a set of headphones. So I caution anyone who is buying this product to either find something else, or make sure you have a small head.Yeah their cheap and will probably break in a couple of weeks but they look cool and sound great. No problems with product or seller.theas are better than beatts headphone and are the best headphones ever for there price amazing awsome great good cool lejit headphonesthese head phones is okay nothing more, i brought this head phones to not to ear nothing but the my mp3 music. I don't think any body should buy this for mp3 or ipod.
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