Black Unique Wireless Folding Headphone with built-in MP3 Player and FM Radio - - Plays high qualit

Black Unique Wireless Folding Headphone with built-in MP3 Player and FM Radio - - Plays high quality MP3 from SD/MMC cards
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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This has great sound, has pause/resume button in middle of left hearer to stop and start in middle of song. If using on/off switch, the device goes to start of last played song. It is dangerous, because I tend to keep it for too long listening to great music, so I missed few important phone calls and had to settle some arguments with my lovely wife and apologize for overusing this wonderful gadget!!

This said with oversees flights and 8 hours power autonomy there is plenty of relaxation time to fall asleep with music on a plane and no need to use up laptop computer power. In addition, the USB cable that can be used to charge the device's battery from a running desktop computer can also be used to listen to music from any computer without the SD card. The red light turns off once fully charged. I can also listen to NPR news with excellent reception. As I said, great but dangerous!

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I use them for my workouts and the quality of the sound is great. I highly recommend them to everyone.

Buy Black Unique Wireless Folding Headphone with built-in MP3 Player and FM Radio - - Plays high qualit Now

First, I had some doubt about this headphone but when I tried it I was surprised. It is not so heavy for wearing, I use them every day in gym on treadmill. Everything what you need is a charging a few hours before using and also a SD card for memory. Very practical product (no boring wires) and for my opinion a small price !

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