3 FT Digital Audio Optical TOSLink Cable Optic 3ft

3 FT Digital Audio Optical TOSLink Cable Optic 3ft
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $6.99
Sale Price: $2.26
Today's Bonus: 68% Off
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OK, you have been shopping for cables to finish off your new home theater system and time after time a salesperson tells you about MONSTER cables. Well, when it comes to HDMI or Red/Blue/Green component cables, getting something nice with gold fittings is the way to go but spending big bucks to buy the MONSTER brand name is way over rated. Search our some similar but way cheaper cables on Amazon.com. Now regarding these optical cables. Brand means nothing. Transferring a light signal is transferring a light signal. A gold fitting means squat. As long as the optical cable you buy delivers the light signal from a cable box to your TV or audio system, you good to go. Example, I purchased a MONSTER Cable on sale for $38 bucks before I saw this cable on Amazon.com. Glad Circuit City has a 30 return policy with receipt because I sure used it. Once my less then less than a buck optical cable arrived and I saw that it delivered a light signal just like the MONSTER cable with the MONSTER price did, I returned that overpriced cable faster than you can say jack rabbit. When installing your optical cable, look close at the shape of the fitting and the shape of the whole it goes in. Kinda trick to make sure you are placing it in correctly and push it in snug. Do not jam it in without lining up which side is up. Also, do not crimp the cable. You are dealing with fiber optics here so keep the cord from bending at a sharp able to keep your light passageway from getting blocked. ENJOY AND SAVE BIG BUCKS.

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I have a Sony STR-K760P receiver with 6.1 channel surround. I'm feeding my DVD in through digital coax, but my DirecTV and XBox both supply Dolby Digital 5.1 via optical output only. While these cables seem a bit delicate (I certainly wouldn't want to step on them, and I was careful not to bend them around sharp corners during setup) they work perfectly! Digital is all-or-nothing, either you get the full signal or you don't. There's no need to buy $20 $50 digital optical cables from Monster or any other manufacturer, these will work great. My XBox sounds amazing when playing DD 5.1 games.

Buy 3 FT Digital Audio Optical TOSLink Cable Optic 3ft Now

Compare this cable to a $20 dollar cable (same length) sold in a fancy box with a equally fancy brand name, then ask yourself if you notice any difference.

It will cost you $24 total to compare, then you'll start ordering all of your audio cables from parts express and you'll save a ton of $$ in the future.

Read Best Reviews of 3 FT Digital Audio Optical TOSLink Cable Optic 3ft Here

You get what you pay for, but these do not look like the picture. Connector ends broke off. Very cheap. Threw them away.

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I wanted to connect my XBox to my surround sound system, so i did a search for "XBox optical" and the Xbox 100X Fiber Optic Cable by Monster Cable came up. I'm a total noob about audio, so i checked with a friend to see if the XBox needed a particular style of optical cable or if any would do. He suggested that any would do, so i found this 3' cable for about one tenth of the price of the monster cable. I'll cut the long story short: it worked perfectly. For me, it's not worth paying 10 times the price to get a similar product with a fancy name on it.

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