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Today's Bonus:
My first impression after opening was a mixed bag. I really liked how it looked, but, it felt very light and toyish in my hand. First noodlings on this were impressive when hooked up to speakers, the sound quality this thing generates are very clean and good. Controls are intuitive but would take some time to really tweak to your own personal flavor but the 150 presets are fun. I played with this for about 5 hours making dance songs and some cool ambient tracks and the batteries were almost dead. Now the reason I purchased was really to be able to record other devices like my microkorg and guitar and loop all together while overdubbing little tidbits from this. For me personally it failed. The microphone feature is cool but it takes two people to use effectively and the sound quality was sub-par. The loop banks need to be held down to record ( basically loosing a hand ) and once you overdub a loop bank its forever. Meaning, if you lay a drum track then a bass line on loop one then decide to throw in a synth lead over them but don't like how the synth lead turned out you cant simply just delete the synth part, you have to delete the whole loop and start over. Now anyone who has played on Korg X-Y pads know that it is a crap shoot when it comes to playing the exact thing twice, it takes a lot of practice so this really turns out to be what I had expected, a really cool music toy. There are a lot of features on this that make it appealing and I am no Kaossilator expert but for the money they are asking and the cons that I talked about earlier it lasted one day and I returned it. Remember this is my opinion and I really wanted to like it but I couldn't justify keeping it when music gear is so expensive and I could spend my money on something else that would work better for me.
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