Audio Technica ATH-AD700 Open-air Dynamic Audiophile Headphones

Audio Technica ATH-AD700 Open-air Dynamic Audiophile Headphones
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
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Yup, it's purple, and beige. It also has wings! Well those are for comfort; and homie, they are comfortable. However, if you do have a "smaller" head, your ears may touch the inner part where the driver is located. This can cause pain similar to a papercut after some time (maybe an hour). If you check my Head-Fi profile, there is a way that you can mod the phones so that the ears don't touch the driver offering the ultimate in comfort. It essentially takes a half-piece of earpad material and is applied to the upper sphere of the stock AD700 pads. This is a matter of simple physics in that it reduces the angle of the phones when worn. This also alleviates the lower-jaw pressure build that some may experience as well.

Nonetheless, when I received the Audio Technica AD700's, I chuckled a bit when I plugged it into my receiver for a movies/games test. I was thinking...these couldn't sound better than my Beyerdynamic DT770 pros, could they? LOL, yeah right.

The colorful alien from Japan just took a dump on my Beyers. Sold the Beyers.

Don't get me wrong, the Beyers are great phones, but the sound signature of the AD700's was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I'll explain how...

Highs The high notes have a perfect tone along with a high-definition accuracy that is only rivaled by my other favorites: the Audio Technica M50. They both are pristine and never harsh or grating to the delicate eardrum. The open-air design of the AD700's seem to extend the high notes a little more than the M50s. They have just a small extra dose of sparkle that is attached to the sublime high notes. FANTASTIC.

Mids In many other headphones, the mids sit in the back of the class. Chillin'. Right behind the highs and lows. WHY'S IT BACK THERE?! Not in the AD700's. It's in the front, side-by-side with the other ranges, and being just as vocal. Man, do vocals shine on this phone. Human voices sound every bit as real as they did in the Beyers, but it excels the Beyers though because the other notes in the mid-range have that same sweet tone as the highs do. Liquid, buttery, and satisfyingly delicious the forward-presenting mids are on these cans. EXCELLENT.

Lows It is in the same realm as the M50's. Textured, solid, and tightly controlled like a high security prison. It isn't as bumpin' though as the M50's, lacking the quantity but not skimping on quality. No big deal. Let the EQ be touched for extra bass, and the low notes all of sudden have been magnified. To deliver punishment. To your skull. NICE.

Soundstage I thought the DT770 pros had the finest soundstage. Once again, the AD700 soundscape is slightly bigger. To not lose credibility though, the DT770 pros have a closed design as opposed to these having a open design. However, the AD700's are still more expansive and engaging. The sound, whether it be movies/games or music, will feel like you have a 7.1 setup of the finest quality speakers. The soundstage has layers like the earth's crust, and is about as deep as the Grand Canyon. Notes have positions as if they're in the military. Needless to say, movies and games are an absolute blast through these cans (Modern Warfare 3 can bring it). SICK.

Detail Retrieval The AD700's can retrieve notes better than your dog can fetch tennis balls. Nearly every last drop of sound from the greatest to the most minuscule is delivered to your inner ear in first class. Hi-Def audio has never sounded so exquisite. UNBELIEVABLE.

Value They're as comfortable as the DT770 pros, but sound better. Plus they are far less when it comes time to pullin' out the wallet. Snatch some up and you won't be let down. These are without a doubt, one of the best open air headphones out there.

Audio Technica AD700's = Bizarre looks, extraordinary sound.

Max Sound Level before distorting 109db

*After much research and personal experience with Audio Technica headphone products, all need at least 40hrs of burn-in time to reach full potential. This allows the drivers to vibrate more freely and broadens every range of the sound that comes through it. This is no lie, the headphones WILL sound more pristine the more you jam to them. Don't mean to sound corny, but I guarantee it.

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I am considering this to be a layman's review. I know this is long but I feel there are several things that are, quite frankly, scary about getting into the world of "hi-fi" headphones. I have never owned a pair of headphones that cost more than 20 bucks and have been quite content for my 21 years of life to do so. Someone who looks for the audiophile in their headphones won't get much from me because honestly I don't know enough. This is also not a gaming review, as I've heard many people look at these for playing Counter Strike or the like. More on that later but I'm making this review from a music listening standpoint. This review is for the person who thinks a 15 dollar pair of generic Sony's sounds just fine.

As I start writing this review, I've had these headphones on for about an hour. These were brand new out of the box. The very first thing I noticed when I actually opened the box and had them in my hands was "wow, besides the size and the fact that I just paid 90 bucks for something to wear on my head, these are impressively unimpressive." I read many, many review that held this on a pedestal and I was half expecting trumpets when I opened the box. It took a week and a half from the time I ordered them to when I got them today since I choose super saver shipping. I knew it would take a while to get here but the biggest problem was that during that time, I looked at every review I could find. I looked around for about 3 hours before I bought these and then bought them because they seemed pretty good and I'm not the type to stress over a purchase like this.

While I was waiting, I got honestly afraid that I had made a bad choice. It seemed like the good things could be great but if you hadn't already tried these out in person, if you didn't like something, they were no better than a paper weight. The lack of bass, will it move around or fall off, is my head several inches too small to be in the same room as these, do I need an amp, do these leak sound like water in a pasta strainer, and PURPLE. I even thought about canceling the order and just taking a trip to Wal-Mart. I'm glad I didn't. Here's why:

THE BAD (or so I've heard)

-The lack of bass. I think this was the most common issue I heard on any site. I've heard that there is no bass at all and I've heard that it is there but it is controlled. I am with the latter camp. The very first thing I did when I had them on was put on some dance music. I was worried that half the notes would get lost somewhere between my iPod and speakers. And then... there they were. My head was in no way being knocked around from the bass thump, but I could clearly hear the notes. That was the first big difference I noticed between these headphones and the apple ones that came with my last iPod. My iPod headphone had one bass note then another bass note and over and over without much change. With the 700's I can clearly hear each bass note for what it is and each note is given its turn to be in the spotlight short though it may be. If you want headphones that may fracture your skull, go elsewhere. These headphones play each bass note like a note, not a jackhammer. I've heard that using the bass booster in the EQ will add bass. Yep, it does. It also makes the music terrible. This could be because I just got them and they haven't been broken in yet, but it gave the song a really muddy sound. The bass seemed to just rattle and not actually make music while the anything higher than a bass drum retreated. The bass is fine as it is.

-The Size. These are big. This is the second biggest issue I saw. If you are still growing, these probably wont be a great fit. I can bop my head around a good bit without trouble and walking isn't a big deal. They do shift a bit and they do feel like they could slip off. They shift because they aren't clamped down on my head like a vice which makes them comfortable. The feeling that they could slip off is more mental. My ears fit quite nicely in the hole in the middle of the pads and so long as I don't whip my head from one side to the other, they stay on fine. They feel lighter than it seems they should for their size which doesn't help but so long as you don't go running with them, they should be fine. Their size also makes them not portable without some effort. They have a long cord and they don't fold up. If you are just going to use these at a desk, not a problem, but you will have to work around the headphones a bit to make them you primary pair for going from place to place. Not impossible but a challenge.

-The amp. "I've heard some headphones need an amp to sound good. Do I need to buy one for these?" No. These work just fine on their own. If you have an iPod, there's already one in there. It probably wouldn't hurt to buy an amp specifically to use with your headphones but mine sound fine out of my iPod.

-Sound leakage. These were not designed to block out noise of any sort. They are an open design and NOT noise canceling. I had a normal conversation with these on while a song was playing and I could hear both perfectly well. If you have the volume at a reasonable level, you can hear everything that goes on around you. I can hear the click of each key as I type this and I'm just slightly below half volume on my iPod. This works both ways. If you have this up in a quiet environment, other people can hear what you are listening too. If you keep it at a moderate level and there is some background noise, you could listen to these in a library.

PURPLE! Yes, they have purple mesh. Yes, you will look like you have part of a space helmet on your head. The purple really doesn't look all that bad. I think that it looks nice and classy and fits. It looks overwhelming in the pictures but unless someone has a deep hatred of purple, you might actually have people telling you they like it. Worse comes to worse, buy a sharpie of any color your little heart desires and go wild. That being said, prepare to have all respect for your fashion sense lost in the eyes of anyone who sees these on your head and to possibly be called some not so nice things. You will look like a goofball wearing these. As I said earlier, they are huge. They nearly double the size of my head. The cups are thick and the wings will mess up your hair. While the purple isn't really noticeable, everything else is. I don't really care because of all the good things I'm going to mention shortly make up for looking like a spaceman.


Here's why you will want to buy these. Now.

-The Sound. Brilliant. The bass is clear and each note is present. The midrange and vocals ring and sound natural and the way they are meant to. The highs aren't a struggle for these headphones to reach. The entire range is clearly there and yet no one section is more important than any other. It sounds like you are in each instrument. In an orchestra, instead of the entire group being one giant collaboration of musicians, you can hear each section individually. On a high quality recording, you can almost hear every instrument being played. A lot of reviews say that you can hear subtle parts of song that you've never heard before in songs you memorized a hundred listens ago. This is true. Since the entire range is present you hear parts of the song that on other, lower quality headphones are covered up by either vocals or another section of the range. Each sound gets its own place instead of just blurring everything together. On the other side, it still retains the flow of the over all piece. Each part fits into a constantly building puzzle.

-Construction. Despite looking strange, they are built very solidly. Nothing feels flimsy or like it would break quickly from normal use. I haven't had these very long so I can't say how long they will last but I'm not worried they are going to snap in two if I set them down too hard. The cord is very nice and doesn't go anywhere near your face like some others do. It also doesn't feel like its going to pull out of the cup like some cheap earbuds do. The wire only goes into the left side and uses the spring on top to power the right cup.

Comfort. The highest quality thing about these. I'm not used to things this big being on my head for long periods so I'm having to do a bit of fidgeting with them to get then right but I've felt no pain since I first put them on. The cup and padding design angle the speaker so the face is pointed more towards your ear with an empty space for your ear to rest comfortably. The wings on top are barely noticeably unless you think about them but they keep the pads off the top of your ears. The pads themselves are very soft and don't hold heat. These are the least noticeable headphone I have ever worn so long as I don't think about them and just listen to the music which is the point .

Soundstage. Another biggie that people talk about. You can tell different noises a part. This is part of why the sound is so good. I'm not a big gamer so I can't mention anything there but on a capella track that have used multiple microphones for recording, I can hear where each person is standing. One of its best features without a doubt.

I highly recommend this for someone who wants to buy a set of quality headphones but doesn't have much interest in learning all the fancy jargon that comes with the audiophile community. There is a noticeable difference between some cheap earbuds and these fantastic pillows with speakers. If you can try a pair, do. They wont play a brand new song but what you do hear is improved.

Buy Audio Technica ATH-AD700 Open-air Dynamic Audiophile Headphones Now

I recently just recieved these pairs of headphones after a couple weeks of research. After truly starting to get into music and trying to get the most out of my cd's (without putting up a loan) I started looking within the 100-200 price range. I stumbled upon 3 major choices: ATH AD-700, Sennheiser HD-555 and Sennheiser HD-595.

First, price was a big issue for me....

I didnt want to spend too high on the headphones, and the HD-595's were quite expensive, but I went to my local audio store and really felt that the 595's put up an overall better sound than the 555's. The soundstage was also amazing for both, but again, the 595's were superior.

The Audio Technicas however, was compared first to the 555's and I already amazed by the difference. They achieved far better tone in each note, and was able to go much "higher" and "lower" than the 555's making the Sennheisers almost seem flat. When compared to the 595's, it was definitely more difficult to distinguish a difference, but the tones were still clearer in the ATH's, but the 595's seemed to have a slightly better soundstage, and a rich, ringy sound vs the clearness of the ATH's. Because I listen to classical, jazz, rock, and a moderate dash of techno once in a while, I thought that the 595's would probably sound better with the rich, full sounds of classical and jazz, but fare far worse against the 700's in rock.

After again looking at the price, I decided on the ATH's

The 595's howerver, did look slightly better and may have felt more comfortable. The ATH's didnt feel quite as secure, but it seems to be doing alright up till this point.

A highly reccomended buy.


Read Best Reviews of Audio Technica ATH-AD700 Open-air Dynamic Audiophile Headphones Here

First thing's first: I Am Not an Audiophile. I thought I was, for a while. After all, I am extremely sensitive to muffled or muddy noise, lost frequencies, closed-in soundstages, and all that (lack of) jazz. So this time, after tugging the wires out of another mid-range gaming headset through sheer overuse, I thought, "Well, since I have the money this time, how about I buy a set of GOOD headphones?" I did an embarrassing amount of misguided research work and narrowed it down to two pairs in my comfort price range: the Sennheiser HD 555s or these. In the end I opted for the ATH-AD700s as they seemed to have a slight edge when it comes to gaming (spotted the trend yet?).

So, first thing's first: these are easily the best sounding headphones I have ever worn in my life, at least for music. This may be due to my relative inexperience, but there's simply a world of difference between these and "a pair of headphones." Or these and "a pair of high-end Sony headphones" for that matter. Simply put, it's the difference between listening to a recording and almost being in the studio. There's almost no comparison.

BUT and this is where the product gets two stars BUT, they can only sound that fantastic when they're actually on. And therein lies the problem: They do not. stay. on my head. No matter what I do.

This is something that a lot of other reviewers mention only in passing. The ATH-AD700s are "not for people with small heads." I'd like to take that a step further and say that they're ONLY for people with LARGE heads. My head is "merely" average sized and it simply does not have the girth to fill out this pair's massive volume. If I don't keep my head perfectly balanced they will inevitably shift and begin their trek over my ears and straight to the ground. After a few minutes of this, plus the bulky weight of the things, wonderful tingling feelings start to develop in my neck muscles. This is NOT comfortable, especially for someone who moves and squirms a lot with daily use.

I've tried a few of the remedies offered for this not-at-all isolated issue, such as attempting to permanently bend the wires holding the cans together into a more compatible shape, but it doesn't help. Thanks to the wing design, that just ends up pulling them UP and off my head, and they're still heavy and slippery. After draining my admittedly low reserves of patience I passed them on to a large-headed, hard-of-hearing music lover who greatly appreciated being able to blast them and still get all the details.

So let's get a few things straight. I don't think these are really "bad", per se. They sound every bit as good as They say, and They know what They are talking about... They say. But I have to write this review, and I can't in good conscience give more than two stars along with it, because I really DON'T like them. I get a little rancorous when I see people recommend these without qualification, because in my view you HAVE to meet two very strict prerequisites:

1) You MUST have a head big enough to fit into them. If you're not sure that you do, then you probably don't. I cannot overemphasize how absurdly oversized they are if there's a larger set of headphones in this world that aren't bass-cannons, then I never want to be made aware of them.

2) You must be an actual audiophile. Not a wannabe audiophile. I've learned this lesson the expensive way. You have to dig music first, above all other concerns, because if it's secondary to any other function of your sound system then you're barking up the wrong tree. As a gamer I want most of all to be able to pinpoint the exact location of a virtual footstep or gunshot, and that is not what these are for. The range is wide enough to cover most bass, but really centered for higher-pitched melodies, and there's no real concept of front-to-back separation. Nor are these headphones ideal for watching movies or listening to podcasts or chatting on Skype. Every pair of headphones or headset you buy will be built with a purpose in mind. These are built for listening to hi-fidelity music in stereo, and they are very, very good specifically at what they're built for.

In short: the ATH-AD700 headphones are not for me and they may very well not be for you. If they are, then consider this one more voice among thousands telling you to experience them for yourself. But if they're not, then I urge you to take a moment to drown out all the me-toos and ask yourself what YOU really want.

If this review convinces you of anything, it should convince you that you can't just trust reviews.

Want Audio Technica ATH-AD700 Open-air Dynamic Audiophile Headphones Discount?

These are very comfortable. The headphones are big. They fit completely over the ears rather than on the ears. They earpads are made of a soft fabric that feels like velour. The frame of the headphone is a magnesium alloy and the outside of the earcup is aluminum. The wires to the individual earcup appear to be hidden inside the frame of the headphones. I think it makes it less likely that they will somehow be pulled, stretched to cause a short. I mention this because I have read in a number of customer reviews that after a short period of time, one side of the headphones shorts out. Perhaps this will be less likely. These headphones like most of the Audio-Technica headphones currently being marketed have these "wings" that A-T designed to give you the feeling that the headphones float on your head. The phones fit very lightly and are very comfortable. What I cannot say is whether the "wings" will be fragile if dropped. They look as though they might be fragile. Only time will tell.

The sound of the headphones is excellent and probably closer to nuetral than many of the other headphones that I have. These phones provide for excellent separation and clarity of sound. It is not clinical sounding,but really very precise. I have the current top end models of headphones for practically all the major headphone manufacturors so that I can make some valid comparisons. The midrange is beautiful, the highs are very good, and the bass is clear and tight, but not really punchy. They are neutral sounding. For some, the bass might not be enough. Occasionally, I have thought the phones could use a little more bass which will be assisted by a headphone amplifier. The battery or AC driven Airhead amplifier is reasonably priced and small enough to fit in a large shirt pocket is perfect for adding a little bass to these headphones. It really steps up the bass in a clean, clear manner. (I have found that using a headphone amplifier--particularly at home where it is convenient is the best choice to ensure full, rich sound on all of the headphones that I have).

The headphones can be easily powered by an Ipod and they sound very good. These phones are on the efficient side when comparing impedence. You can get a lot of volume with a free-standing mp3 device. The headphones come with a 1/8" headphone jack with a 1/4" adaptor. While they sound even better with a headphone amplifier, it is not necessary like with the Sennheiser 600 or 650 which sounds anemic without the power provided by a separate headphone amplifier.

I think that the open-backed headphones sounds better than the closed-back headphones. If you want a headphone that is more punchy for rock and roll, consider the Grado SR-80 which is within approximately $10.00. The price for these headphones on Amazon Marketplace is approximately $100.00. The Grado's come in at approximately $95.00 at fair trade price (meaning no discount pricing). For many people the Audio-Technica will be more comfortable than the Grado. If you get the Grados which are really great, they are more comfortable with an insert called "comfort rings."

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Yamaha PSS-270 PortaSound Voice Bank Electronic Keyboard

Yamaha PSS-270 PortaSound Voice Bank Electronic Keyboard
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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This is a great little keyboard/synthesizer! We bring it everywhere...the kids love it, and it sounds like a real piano. We just took it camping, and both our kids were able to practice their piano lessons in the tent without disturbing our neighbors (:

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Traveler Guitar EG-1 Vintage Electric Guitar with Gig Bag (Gold)

Traveler Guitar EG-1 Vintage Electric Guitar with Gig Bag
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $714.99
Sale Price: Price Unavailable
Today's Bonus:
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  • Full 24 3/4" Scale
  • Fits in airline overhead bins.
  • Includes on-board headphone amp with clean & distortion settings.
  • Features a full-size humbucker.
  • Beautiful Satin finish on Mahogany body.

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I purchased this guitar as I do a lot of traveling and cheap acoustics purchased in those countries just are no substitute for an electric guitar, which is my preferred form of playing.

In terms of the concept of this guitar, it's very good indeed, and probably the best you'll find. It's small enough to fit in a large hard shell suitcase if the airline your travelling with won't allow it on board, as some do! The neck is very nice, feels nice and is well fretted & the body considering what there is of it is very well made and looks good too. It's also very light indeed. The gig bag is very well made too.

But here's where they (Traveler) let themselves down with what could be a much better guitar, especially considering that this is not a cheap six string to start with.

The tuning keys are rubbish, I've replaced these with Grover mini Rotomatics.

The Bridge is of poor quality, I've replaced this with a Gotoh Nashville Tune-O-Matic Bridge.

I replaced the pickup with a Seymour Duncan 59 humbucker.

The Electronics, the whole in built clean and driven effect with headphone output is a nice idea, but it just sounds awful and tinny, as the 'sound' is being processed through a circuit board and those nasty mini potometers that all guitarists know are a complete 'no-no' in the tone department. To do this I removed all the inners of this guitar and wired the guitar as a 'straight to amp' electric (no headphone out) with quality 500k CTS pots, quality capacitors, good wire and shielded it. There's plenty of room to do this in the cavity of the body.

The nut's almost like rubber, replaced with a TUSQ nut.

The black plastic 'roller' at the tail is complete garbage it mutes the sustain and the strings bite into it adding further to the tuning issues, esp' if you play a lot of heavy lead like SRV, Hendrix, as I do. Also when you take the strings off, it all falls into lots of bits instead of being one complete piece, which would of made much more sense. I've had this 'roller' re-made on a lathe from polished stainless steel.

As for the Headphones and effects I have purchased a Korg Mini Pandora effects unit and a great little Alu' arm that attaches to the body and holds the korg right in front of me.

I now have an amazing guitar, which sounds great evening plugged into my Orange tube amp, and it may look a bit odd but it can certainly hold it's own no problem in a gig.

For sure I have spent a lot of extra cash on doing this, which I feel it's worth it, because no other company builds one like this for you to buy 'over the counter', esp' at this size and weight.

I would not expect Traveler to build them to this spec' as I have took it to...but they charge a lot of cash for one of these and things like a cheap nut, rubbish tuning keys and poor made bridges are just completely unacceptable. Travler have been making these types of electric guitars for quite some time now, so there really is no excuse. To me this is a fantastic design that has been hurried through the production process....maybe the 'Made in China' badge on the heel is a giveaway.

In all, I would recommend this, but only if you're prepared to spend the extra cash to bring it up to scratch, esp' if you're a player who all ready knows what 'Tone' sounds like. If you don't want to do this my advice would be to buy a cheaper model or make as you won't be getting your moneys worth with this one.

All the best.

Buy Traveler Guitar EG-1 Vintage Electric Guitar with Gig Bag (Gold) Now

I decided that i would teach myself guitar, and accordingly got myself a Gretsch 5420T, which is a fantastic guitar, but not very airline mobile. I travel a lot, and very quickly realised that I would make very little progress without the ability to practice daily.

I didn't like the idea of purchasing cheap acoustics, but i did give a lot of thought to getting a Yamaha silent, which is roughly in the same price bracket as the Traveler EG-1, although its a very different concept a silent acoustic that is a little more portable.

Eventually, I settled on the Traveler, purchased through Amazon. It arrived promptly, despite the international delivery, and was well and safely packaged. It comes with a useful soft gig bag and tools. It's a nice little guitar, well made, and with a nice well adjusted action out of the box (nicer than the Gretsch in some ways). Played at night, with the rest of the house asleep its not too noisy just loud enough without headphones to hear the pitch of the note and whether its cleanly struck. Through the built in mini amp and headphones it sounds fine for my needs, I mostly use the clean setting, with the guitar turned off when not played, battery life for the 9vlt is fine. I purchased a set of Sennheiser on ear folding headphones, px-200 which are comfortable for a couple of hours practice without being too tangly. The aux in is a great feature. The 1/4 in output to an amp works with the onboard electrics turned off not sure if its wired as a separate circuit or not. The single humbucker in the bridge position is also good enough for me, for now.

The nut is a well set up, pretty firm compound, no buzzing on the frets at all, and the bridge is well adjusted good intonation at the 12th fret, again both of them are fine for my level of playing, and probably much higher level of players. I would agree with the comments of the tuners stiff and fussy, they are probably the first thing I would change. I also agree with the coments on the black plastic roller sometimes when I tune to pitch, and come back a little later only to find it to be 5c flat possibly the string biting into the black plastic. Having said that when I get it right, the tuning seems to stay stable for a long time, better than I had expected anyway. The suggestion above of ordering a machined stainless steel roller is a very good one though probably a bit dear. I will consider doing it at the first re string, probably with new tuners. It would have been nice for a larger, guitar style selecter for the on board amp, the current switch is small and a little hobby electronics in feel, though it works well enough.

It is very easy to travel with, and comes with a reassuring feeling of solidity. Overall I am very happy with the buy, exactly what I needed and beter than I expected. As in the other review, there are a few things that could be done to make it an even better instrument.

Wireless In Ear Monitor System

Wireless In Ear Monitor System
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $379.00
Today's Bonus:
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  • UHF-band PLL Synthesized Design
  • Frequency agility over a 25MHz bandwidth, with 48 pre-programmed frequencies available
  • Built-in limiter circuitry eliminates distortion under excessive input levels
  • Front panel monitoring headphone jack
  • Dual-antenna true diversity reception eliminating signal dropout and enhancing RF stability

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I bought this because of the price and the features. Without a review on Amazon or the internet at all, I didn't know what I was getting into. It turned out to be a great purchase. The pros are: transmitter is all metal and super solid with combo jacks on the back not just 1/4 inputs like the picture, the selectable channels, stereo transmission, dual antenna on the receiver, eq in receiver with bass and treble boost, limiter on both tx and rx, comes with ears for rackmount. Great product.

Cons: the receiver is made of plastic (not metal like I had hoped. But still pretty solid), the input on receiver is on the side of the unit which can make it a little awkward but that is really just preference I think, the iems that are included are absolute junk and I would honestly throw them away like I did.

Shipping was fast and this is a great product and I will be getting more of these units.

Buy Wireless In Ear Monitor System Now

I like many others have been intrigued by the price on this unit and purchased one. I have used it for about 2 years now and have plenty of experience to review from. I am a very experienced musician and play multiple instruments in several types of bands and have used this for all. I'll list my pro's and con's list.



-Decent construction

-Plenty of channels to choose from

-Pretty good range


-Sound Quality

-This is my biggest requirement for any monitor setup, and in my opinion the biggest disappointment with this system.The system bottoms out at an 80Hz bottom which puts the majority of your bass player, a significant amount of your keyboards, your kick drum, and lower toms below the range of the system. When I bought it I decided to try it anyway and see if not going below 80Hz was that bad. IT IS. This really effects how you hear the music and in turn how you play while trying to compensate for the "missing depth". I use custom IEM's so i know for sure that it is not headphones that are the issue, it is the system.

-Random Cutting Out

-if anything comes close to being too hot, the system instead of distorting will simply cut out. as in NOTHING comes through and sometimes will decided to stay cut out for 10-15 seconds. This is slightly detrimental when playing with a band and needing to hear to stick with them. This was most evident when using a metronome because it chose to see the instantaneous noise as being too hot even when at a reasonable volume.

-The Earbuds

-Yes Shure units are 200 dollars more, but part of what you are paying for is a decent set of IEM's too. They definitely are not the best out there but they are much better than the dollar store earbuds included with this system.

Over all I would say that if you are a singer/songwriter playing an acoustic and singing, this would probably do okay for you. If you are a musician playing in a band, I would say save up a bit and get a Shure system at a minimum. You will be much happier with it than with this. I am discontinuing my use of this system because I just cant deal with the issues it has been giving me.

Read Best Reviews of Wireless In Ear Monitor System Here

This is product is absolutely great. Just plug and play cause the set up is easy and it comes with great ear plugs too. Although I would recommend UE ear monitors as additions, the sound is decent enough. One thing though, if you are in Asian countries, you need to purchase transformers that suit the voltage/wattage locally. Other than that, it is a great product.

Westone 78400 Adventure Series Alpha High Performance In-Ear Earphones, Black

Westone 78400 Adventure Series Alpha High Performance In-Ear Earphones, Black
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $199.99
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I bought these headphones to run and liked the fact that they were supposed to be water/sweat proof and they had a built in remote. They are light, fit great, and have awesome bass and overall sound quality. I'd made the mistake in the past of running with headphones with an inline remote that were NOT for sweat and the remote stopped working almost immediately, as soon as it got wet. Unfortunately, I only got two runs in before the same fate befell these. Initially the volume kept dropping off without me touching the remote, then all the buttons stopped working. Since these are supposed to be weather resistant I can only assume this was a fluke and I plan to order a replacement pair. The sound and fit would have gotten these a 5 star rating if they had survived the sweat. If the next pair fails, which is a distinct possibility since the only other reviewer on here had eerily similar results, these will become a 1 star product...

*Update: I ordered a second pair of these headphones and after running in them twice, the inline remote stopped working again, because a bit of sweat dripped down the cable into the remote. This was identical to the experience with my first pair. While the sound quality is great, these are anything but weatherproof adventure headphones. Beware.

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I run almost everyday for an hour and have always been looking for a nice headphone that sticks in my ears. I will have to say that these headphones really are comfy and fit well. First 2 days of using it was heaven.

Day 3 was the day i started having issues on the right side. Volume was soft on that side and in some occasion there was no sound. And till today, i am still waiting for my replacement to come in. I am not sure i was purely unlucky with a lemon set or if it was damaged by sweat.

Just 2 days ago, i took it out again to try and found a bigger horror. My headphones smell like a damn smelly gym!!! See, the cables are not insulated by rubber but more fabric material (not sure what material it is) and while i wipe it down daily, it absorbs my sweat.

I will still keep my 1-1 exchange for traveling purpose but for events that makes me perspire lots, this is staying far away from it.

All this for less than 2 weeks of experience with a rather costly headphones......

Buy Westone 78400 Adventure Series Alpha High Performance In-Ear Earphones, Black Now

I found that they little considerations that added up to an overall pleasant experience with the headset. What stood out for me was...

In a rugged headset for active users, you should go for threaded over rubber since rubber snags so easily. It would catch on anything and everything otherwise. I had returned headsets that yanked out of my ears with basic movement.

Although its personal preference, I found the foam ear pieces to be especially comfortable. It almost made those loops around my ears meaningless since it was a snug fit.

Replaceable cords! Any headset that died on me (usually after a year or so) was due the cabling breaking up inside. At the very least, you don't have to chuck the thing should that happen to you.

Sound. I mention that last because its easy to find a pair of earphones that sound great. But not many of them are bundled with the everything you need to take care of the unit. It's definitely the first I've seen a wax cleaning tool come with a headset.

I'd read this while considering...

Read Best Reviews of Westone 78400 Adventure Series Alpha High Performance In-Ear Earphones, Black Here

I replaced a set of Westone 3s with these after the 3s had run their very useful life. I like the cloth covered cables as they prevent the horrible tangles of all other rubber cords. The over ear shaped cord helps them stay in place along with the in ear design, and the silicone tips are the most comfortable I have every had. The volume and call answer buttons are placed on the right ear cable, which is appropriately placed if you like to run the cable under your shirt as the buttons remain reachable as opposed to below the Y. They are light weight and stay in place for a five mile run or an hour in the gym. The sound is not as deep and rich as the 3s, but the cost quite a bit less and the quality is still better than any other in ear earphones I have tried.

Want Westone 78400 Adventure Series Alpha High Performance In-Ear Earphones, Black Discount?

Hosa CMP153 Y Cable 1/8 Inch TRS to Dual 1/4 Inch TS Cable - 3 Foot

Hosa CMP153 Y Cable 1/8 Inch TRS to Dual 1/4 Inch TS Cable - 3 Foot
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $10.95
Sale Price: $3.88
Today's Bonus: 65% Off
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  • 1/4-inch Plugs Color coded - Red and White
  • Scores of applications in live performance, recording and computer multimedia settings

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Nothing much to say...

It takes a stereo audio signal from a 3.5mm (1/8") and splits them into individual mono signals. One for the right channel (labeled appropriately as "Tip") and one for the left ("Ring").

The build quality as absolutely fantastic for the price. Forget about Monster Cable. These are solid, very well built and work incredibly well for a fraction of the price.

I currently have this connecting my computer to my M-Audio Studiophile AV40s and they're absolutely fantastic.

Buy Hosa CMP153 Y Cable 1/8 Inch TRS to Dual 1/4 Inch TS Cable - 3 Foot Now

I was having a hard time trying to figure out what kind of cables do I need to connect my laptop to my monitors. Laptop, as you know, generally has a 3.5mm TRS out. My monitors, on the other hand, have a 1/4" TRS input. After researching a bit on the internet, I found these cables. The cable length helps me place my monitors at a decent distance from each other (and I can have them at an elevation too!). These cables are serving the purpose pretty well. I am satisfied with this product.

Read Best Reviews of Hosa CMP153 Y Cable 1/8 Inch TRS to Dual 1/4 Inch TS Cable - 3 Foot Here

HOSA is making a real name for themselves in terms of quality low cost well made cable assemblies. This is every bit a professional quality patch cord. I bought it because I recently purchased a pair of amplified speakers from M-audio which feature professional 1/4" TRS inputs (differential) to cut hum and noise from the signal.

The HOSA input is the quietest of all 3 inputs on the speaker system by 6dB. It sounds great, works great, and didn't set me back a fortune.

I own several HOSA TRS/XLR adapters and have never had a problem with them. I would not expect one with this cable set given its construction quality and strain relief on all ends. Don't let the low cost fool ya there's a good cable set here. And to the commenter who complained it's mono it is 2 x mono on any mixing panel that is how stereo inputs are achieved one signal per channel. HOSA also makes 1/8 to 1/4 STEREO single plug cable sets, but you must look at the picture and read the description to ensure it is exactly the gender and size you want. I know the fustration of having the wrong cable adapter, hence I keep my build your own kit handy when what's in the cable box doesn't do it.

Want Hosa CMP153 Y Cable 1/8 Inch TRS to Dual 1/4 Inch TS Cable - 3 Foot Discount?

I got this to go from my behringer 802 to my MacBook for recording. Exactly what I needed, Good price. Fast delivery. A++

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What can you say about a cable.. It was exactly what I needed, when I needed it.. at the right price.

The length was a perfect fit for my use and quality is above acceptable.

I will order more as my needs grow, I highly recommend these cable for those that need them and don't have a lot of cash to burn.

Squier by Fender "Stop Dreaming, Start Playing" Set: Affinity Series Strat with Fender Frontman 10G

Squier by Fender 'Stop Dreaming, Start Playing' Set: Affinity Series Strat with Fender Frontman 10G Amp, Tuner, Instructional DVD, Gig Bag, Cable, Strap, and Picks - Black
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $349.99
Sale Price: $199.99
Today's Bonus: 43% Off
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  • Agathis body with gloss polyurethane finish
  • C-shape maple neck with 9.5 in radius, rosewood fingerboard and 22 medium jumbo frets
  • 3 Single-Coil Pickups
  • Synchronous Tremolo Bridge, Master volume w/ 2 tone controls and 5 position pickup selector switch
  • Pack includes, Squier SP-10 Guitar Amplifier,Guitar Stand,Instructional DVD,Cable,Electronic Tuner,Gig Bag,Guitar Strap and Pick Sampler
  • Body Shape: Stratocaster
  • Maple Neck
  • Dot Position Inlays
  • Synchronous Tremolo Bridge
  • 22 Frets

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Note: this review is for the whole "kit", not just the guitar or the amp. Also, it pertains to all 3 colors; I don't know why they have them as separate packages. (Maybe the sunburst one has better sustain? Ummm...right. Mine is black, if it matters.)

I noticed people are not reviewing this on Amazon and frankly, that's a shame! They (guitar/amp) are a fabulous instrument. So we're clear, this is a budget and/or noob package but I say that in no way to impugn its quality. It's significantly ahead of any 'Targ-mart' special you can get for only a bit less; then again I got mine on Labor Day special for 1/2 price--awesome!

Let's get "the missing star" stuff out of the way first:

The tone knobs for neck/middle are more like switches. 0-2 is "dark" and 3-10 is bright. There's not much in between.

The "tremolo" bar (classic misnomer) and bridge are low-budget so this is upgrade territory. For me, I'm not much into the whammy, so it's moot.

Of the 5 pickup settings, only the bridge-alone one sounds truly unique. However, this is not a biggee to me as it seems fairly common. The pickups are not high-end (another upgrade potential) but if you're a beginner or you're playing for fun, in a church band or anything where $ is not on the table these p'uppies are surprisingly good sounding!

So, back to our 4-star combo features. Though it's a Chinese-made Squier it's still a Fender and they have to maintain standards. The fretboard/neck feels good and is solid and the tuning knobs get the job done; mine stays in tune reasonably well. The guitar as a whole looks like a Strat--not much difference from 5 feet away so if you like the Strat look, this one will be pleasing. The little 10-watt Squier amp has nothing to be ashamed of! It's very simple and it complements the axe quite well; in fact I like its sound better than my Line 6 Spider III 15W amp. I've even seen it at pawn shops for $50 so people must realize that it's pretty impressive for its category. Finally, the quartz tuner works fine but there are better ones out there to be sure.

To put everything, especially quality, in perspective, I like to ask, "if you drug Eric Clapton into trading his million-dollar-baby for this model and, after he sobers up you both play them, who sounds better?"

So, thumbs up for this combo. Professional musicians may not want the guitar unless they want to use it for a "project" and do some surgery to turn it into a great player. But for younger/newer and/or cash-strapped folk, you'd do well to own one. Mine's a keeper!

Buy Squier by Fender "Stop Dreaming, Start Playing" Set: Affinity Series Strat with Fender Frontman 10G Now







Read Best Reviews of Squier by Fender "Stop Dreaming, Start Playing" Set: Affinity Series Strat with Fender Frontman 10G Here

I am new to the guitar but not a total beginner in music and was thrilled all that you get in the package. Both the guitar and amp are more than adequate as a practice rig for a beginner. I am impressed that the hardware to adjust the truss and string action were included. The guitar has a beautiful sunburst finish with reddish brown pickguard. Everything was functional and easy to use, although I will say the strap is a little loose and the stand is a little light, but what more can you expect for $149. The small amp gets pretty buzzy and noisy around 7-8, but if you keep the volume below blasting, the sound quality is good enough.

If you're doing performances, I would definitely upgrade the strap, tuners, stand and amp, but for just starting out, this package is more than adequate.

Want Squier by Fender "Stop Dreaming, Start Playing" Set: Affinity Series Strat with Fender Frontman 10G Discount?

Overall I think this is a good starter kit.

the body seems to be great, the neck and frets are good; the only bad part is the head, it's rough and could have been finished way better, not well sanded , rough spots around the edge and not much finish no gloss to it at all.

seems to tune up ok and play ok, the only buzz i hear so far is my novice fingering.

the electronic tuner had no real instructions to speak of so i found a you-tube video that told me what to do.

the dvd is a cut down version and imho is missing what the new user needs the most HOW TO SETUP and HOW TO TUNE!

the "Pick Sampler" well really they just put in 3 medium picks that were only different in color, it would have been better if they gave us different ones like hard, medium or whatever...

the amp seems like a good first amp.

like i said this seems fair as a starter.

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Let me first say that 3 stars is all I would ever give a low end learner-type package like this. There is simply too much sacrificed to get the cost down to make the guitar or amp worth anything more than 3 stars. That said, I'd buy this over any other starter package out there with the exception of some Epiphone and/or Gibson packages just because their quality seems to be on par with Fender/Squire. Any of those Target/Wal-Mart guitar packages are 1 star quality, 2 stars on a good day. So 3 stars is still a cut above the rest. I can't give it 4 or 5 stars knowing how great it is to play a quality made Fender Strat or Jaguar.

The Good: the Strat is very playable. I've compared this to some First Act guitars in the same price range and the Strat, by far, is much more playable. It's far more consistent along the fret board and the pickups offer better tone than other budget guitars. The amp has some built in distortion that can really start to fuzz when you turn it up, which makes for some fun jam sessions for a new guitarist. The Strat has good balance and seems to be weighted correctly and it isn't too heavy for being a solid body (much lighter than a Les Paul type).

The Bad: I found this Strat to be VERY sensitive to temperature changes. I've had to adjust the neck two or three times during the winter alone. Also, I could never really get the neck straight and the action low enough without some kind of fret buzz. Maybe this is because of the way I like it setup or maybe it's the quality of a Chinese made Strat. The pickups are kinda crappy (yet better than a First Act) and the tremolo/bridge is somewhat suspect. Expect some crackle as you switch through the pickups. The amp is only a 10w amp and doesn't have much in the way of GOOD tone. It'll be the first thing you want to upgrade.

The Ugly: the gig bag. Seriously, it's like a guitar shaped body bag. I'd rather not get one in the package if it meant lowering the price by a couple bucks. I wouldn't be caught dead carrying my guitar in this bag, but then again it's only a Chinese Squire Strat so it's not like I REALLY need to protect my "investment" too much I guess.

The Bottom line: just getting into playing the guitar? Short on cash but have plenty of desire to play? Then this is for you, but just know that if you stick with it you'll be upgrading/replacing in about two years. Getting back into playing after a few years of not playing at all (my situation)? Look elsewhere and spend the money on a better guitar because you'll "outgrow" this one quickly. This is a good buy, don't get me wrong, but anyone with average skills and experience will want something more. I'd buy this over anything in Target or Wal-Mart. But, I'd rather go buy a 15w Line 6 Spider off Craigslist and find a used Fender Strat and cut my teeth that way if I had to do it all over again.

American Dj Sdc6 6 Channel Dimmer Controller Dmx 512

American Dj Sdc6 6 Channel Dimmer Controller Dmx 512
Customer Ratings: 2.5 stars
List Price: $79.95
Sale Price: $59.99
Today's Bonus: 25% Off
Buy Now

  • 6 Channel Manual Dmx Controller With Fader Control
  • Great For Manual Dmx Dimming
  • Great For Trouble Shooting

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Works, is indeed very simple, and has a nice feel. And the price is right. I wish there was a 12 channel version of this as well.

Buy American Dj Sdc6 6 Channel Dimmer Controller Dmx 512 Now

I don't like it.....i must buy another product

I thinking that This product is expensive

I need more money

I want to change This product

Read Best Reviews of American Dj Sdc6 6 Channel Dimmer Controller Dmx 512 Here

This product comes with a 3 page "manual" that mainly consists of a picture of the unit. It did not work at all for me with my MB-DMX-II disco ball controller. Glad it didn't cost much.

Koss KSC32L Fitclips Headphones, Lime

Koss KSC32L Fitclips Headphones, Lime
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $29.99
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I'm one of those people who could never find earbuds that stay put. I mean never. Ever. The slightest movement of my head and the buds would fall out. But these really do stay in place. It's not just because of the clip that goes over your ear--it's that there are three sizes of 'buds' included so you can choose your best fit. The smallest set worked for me.

I love Koss products, both for the sound and the lifetime warranty, and have had them for years. I have two other Koss headphones, PortaPros and a pair of KSC-75, and the sound on the FitClips is not as rich as the other two. No surprise as they are so much smaller. But the sound is very good. And trading off a bit of sound quality for a good fit is worth it to me.

I bought the FitClips so I could use them with my iPhone 5 for workouts. On my first try, they didn't work. I had no sound at all through the headphones. It took me a while to figure out that my LIfeProof case was the reason. It doesn't let the plug insert fully into the phone. But the case does come with an adapter for headphones. I'd totally forgotten about that and once I connected the adapter, I had sound.

I'm very happy with this pair of headphones. And love the color, though it's more yellow than lime. Think highlighter yellow. I wish I'd known the case would be an issue, but happily it was a fixable issue. Hope that sharing my experience about the case will save others some frustration.

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Once you start running, you won't have to reach up and jab a finger into your ear to keep your ear bud in. You won't know what to do with your hands now when you run. Be careful because they do cancel out sound and so if you're running outside, be aware. These are pretty fabulous worry free, so you can focus on other things and not on your motivational sounds slipping out of your ear.

Buy Koss KSC32L Fitclips Headphones, Lime Now

I've always had a really hard time using headphones. They never stay in ears and I can't enjoy whatever I'm listening to because I'm constantly fiddling with the headphones. This is the first time I haven't had that problem! They fit perfectly in my ears. The sound quality is fantastic. They're great for working out/being active or just general use. The cable is very sturdy and I love the mint color!

Read Best Reviews of Koss KSC32L Fitclips Headphones, Lime Here

Love these earphones. Originally bought it because of its awesome warranty. Easy to put on and it STAYS on during my intense runs.

Want Koss KSC32L Fitclips Headphones, Lime Discount?

Sent one to my sister. Designed for women's ears. Really works ! Looking forward to other products by same people.

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D'Luca Electric Blue Violin Full Size, VL-EV-BL

D'Luca Electric Blue Violin Full Size, VL-EV-BL
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $249.95
Sale Price: $119.95
Today's Bonus: 52% Off
Buy Now

  • Volumen and Tone controls
  • Fingerboard and tailpiece
  • Gig bag included
  • Headphones for discreet practice
  • Includes a genuine horsehair bow

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I got this as a gift and it doesn't look like it's made just for beginners, it for pros as well. The violin rocks and the total package is great. The color of the violin, the tone and volume control, and the genuine horse hair bow is all I need to put a good show. We all gathered and tried the violin and everyone was amazed.

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Sony MDR-ZX300 Studio Monitor High Power Magnet Stereo Headphones with Swivel... (Red)

Sony MDR-ZX300 Studio Monitor High Power Magnet Stereo Headphones with Swivel...
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $29.99
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Sony MDR-ZX300 Studio Monitor High Power Magnet Stereo Headphones with Swivel...

These headphones are great for private listening. With a frequency response of 10 24,000 Hz they cover all the bases much better than the little ear-bud stereo headsets do. I use them with my computer, or late at night with an MP3 player. If you like it loud, they can handle it without distortion. Yet, when you like it soft, all the notes are clear without fading out. They provide better sound at a great price. I figured why spend $150, when I can spend $35 to get the same thing?

I use the Sony MDR-ZX300 headphones everyday, they are comfortable too. Even though they are larger than ear-buds, they fold up nicely to fit in a computer bag. You'll never regret purchasing these. Enjoy!

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Good sensibility, nice sound in the mid and high ranges. Textures of materials and some materials make these look a bit pricier.

You won't like this model if you love deep basses, though. For me they are decent for the price.

Buy Sony MDR-ZX300 Studio Monitor High Power Magnet Stereo Headphones with Swivel... (Red) Now

Purchased these for listening to music and podcasts at work. They sound decent, though not great. I really miss the volume control of my old MDR-V150. Also the plastic band that expands for varying head sizes is cheap and flimsy. Overall a good pair of headphones for the price, but I find myself likely to return them for a more expensive pair just for a little better sound quality.

Read Best Reviews of Sony MDR-ZX300 Studio Monitor High Power Magnet Stereo Headphones with Swivel... (Red) Here

These headphones are really good for the price they cost. You can not compare with any of those headphones above 100 bucks, and that is not the point when you pay 20 dollars, right? The sound is relatively good and the material is all plastic, but not fragile.

I definitively recommend if you are not looking for a cheap and good option for headphone.

Want Sony MDR-ZX300 Studio Monitor High Power Magnet Stereo Headphones with Swivel... (Red) Discount?

average headphone if your a beginner and your looking for good but not great headphone you should buy them .

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Your Cable Store 10 Foot 1/4" (6.3mm) Stereo Headphone To RCA Adapter Cable

Your Cable Store 10 Foot 1/4' Stereo Headphone To RCA Adapter Cable
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $4.59
Today's Bonus:
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Got this product to use with my new DJ controller to hook it into our mixer for events.

Upon plugging the wire in I was unable to get stereo sound, or ANY low frequencies. I had to unplug one of the RCA cables to get anything to work, which resulted in my getting full frequency mono sound for the rest of the event.

Disappointed in my first purchase of a "Your Cable Store" wire. Luckily, by the time my second event came along, I was able to purchase another one from a different company that works fine.

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I was previously using headphone to micro connector and then a cable. Switching to this got rid of a connection, and reduced line noise.

Buy Your Cable Store 10 Foot 1/4" (6.3mm) Stereo Headphone To RCA Adapter Cable Now

Sennheiser RS 120 RF Stereo Wireless headphone System with an Extra HDR 120 Headphone Receiver

Sennheiser RS 120 RF Stereo Wireless headphone System with an Extra HDR 120 Headphone Receiver
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $149.95
Today's Bonus:
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I use these headphones to watch TV without bothering other family members watching TV in another room. I have had other brands that did not have good reception and/or had a lot of static. The sound on these Sennheisers is crisp and clear--much better than the sound that comes from the TV speakers

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Sennheiser HD-280 PRO Headphones

Sennheiser HD-280 PRO Headphones
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $99.95
Sale Price: $79.99
Today's Bonus: 20% Off
Buy Now

  • Dynamic, closed-ear headphones with up to 32 dB attenuation of outside sound
  • Lightweight and comfortable, ergonomic design, Cord Length -3.3 - 9.8 feet Coiled
  • Extended frequency response and warm, natural sound reproduction
  • Around-the-ear design with padded earcups
  • Earpads, headband padding, and audio cord are easily replaceable, ensuring long life
  • Collapsible earpieces for compact transport
  • Lightweight and comfortable, ergonomic design

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the folks at Sennheiser must not have large heads. As with about every pair of headphones that I try on, I had to extend these all the way to fit. After a few months of daily use, the plastic headband began to develop small cracks. Now the cracks are growing and I fear that the whole thing will just snap one day. Unfortunately, that is one of the parts that isn't listed as replaceable.

That said, people who look at this headphone are looking for: a) quality sound synonymous with the name Sennheiser b) excellent noise reduction.

a) The sound from these phones is excellent. The standard criteria are there. The signal is very clean, thanks in part to the oxygen free copper cabling used. Bass is controlled and precise so a timpani doesn't sound muffled. Higher frequencies do not hiss and the phones are able to drive high frequency sounds and pull out details lost by consumer grade headphones. Soundstage is fairly narrow as some have said, but much better than consumer sets that sound like the sound source is inside your head. Of course, a DSP solution for soundstage expansion could help if someone didn't like the soundstage.

What people should realise is that most music is optimised for listening on a stereo system and not headphones. A search for "binaural music" will yield samples that show how music should be sampled for headphones. Anyways, the HD-280 Pros also have 64 Ohms of resistance so an amplifier isn't needed.

b) The biggest impression I got from these phones is silence. Not total silence, since with the headphones on I could still hear outside noise. Once the music starts playing, however, music is much clearer because background noises have been attenuated so effectively.

That was the biggest attraction of these headphones. For my sound processing work, ambient noise from my computer and the outside world are suppressed admirably. 32 decibels is a lot of sound attenuation, far more than the Active Noise Reduction sets from Bose or even Sennheiser. The HD-280 Pros use passive noise attenuation. This means that for the phones to supress outside noise effectively, they have to be tight. They are very tight in fact. Four Newtons of force are applied, a number significantly larger than most headphones. If it weren't for the thoughtful padding, they would feel as uncomfortable as firing range headsets. Passive noise attenuation also means there is no artifacting from electronic noise that is usually the case in Active Noise Reduction sets.

If you have a very large head, a solution is to find in-ear phones (the expensive Etymotics sets have even better sound quality and noise reduction). If you are sensitive to tight headphones, a solution might be the Active Noise Reduction sets (although they aren't as good sonically). If you listen to sound in a very very quiet environment, Grados or some other Sennheisers would probably get you that better soundstage for the money.

If none of these situations applies to you, then these phones will provide better sound through their native excellent quality and their superior noise attenuation. After all, the listening experience with Sennheiser 600's on an Audigy 2 card or a tube amplifier is diminished with that noisy computer fan in the background.

All in all, these phones are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

*** UPDATE, October 20, 2009 ***

Wow, well these headphones are still ticking after over six years and I'm pretty rough with my equipment! Cheap headphones break after six weeks for me because the cable gets pulled or I mess up the speaker so these Sennheisers are pretty solid.

Just as I feared though, the plastic HAS cracked and you can see the thin wires (covered in plastic or rubber) exposed. Now that most of the plastic on the headband has broken off, the fit is quite a bit looser though the headband is still held together by a wide piece of metal. I just wish they would just make a nice metal headband to avoid the plastic cracking issue.

While I like the fact that they aren't so tight, I don't like the fact that richness (low-end midrange and bass) suffers because of it. You can simulate this when listening by pulling the headphones slightly apart. It isn't noticeable on light music though and might not be an issue with newer versions of the HD-280 Pro.

The ear cushions on my 6+ year headphones are worn past the leatherette, past the foam and to the foam backing layer. The top is looking ratty as well. Replacement ear cushions are around $20.00 which isn't cheap. I'll probably skip that in favor of a new pair of HD-280s especially if they've been redesigned for larger heads as some people are indicating. I'll keep this pair around as beaters until they quit on me. However, now that I've quieted my working area, sound isolation isn't as critical to me as it was before so I might take a look at other Sennheisers.

Buy Sennheiser HD-280 PRO Headphones Now

These cans are currently being offered well below MSRP -no, they aren't in danger of being retired any time soon (confirmed with Sennheiser customer service) -and are truly the best bang for the buck. Despite the very positive reviews, I had two reservations about purchasing the 280s: 1) the tight, uncomfortable fit; and 2) cracking in the plastic headband that some have commented on. I have a big ol' head where adjustable ball caps barely fit me. The 280s aren't tight at all, but rather comfortably snug -what do you expect from a closed design? Shooting range ear protection/muffs are 3 times more tighter than these. Secondly Sennheiser claims to never having heard about the cracking issue but will repair/replace your unit with no questions asked under their 2 year warranty.

Although plastic in design, the product has a solid, quality construction (made in Ireland if you care). An advantage, as you may already know, is that most of the components are designed to be replaced due to wear or damage. I like the folding convenience of the 280s, but don't expect them to fit in your coat pocket.

After burning these puppies in for 24 hours, the audio quality truly impresses with details I've never noticed before in my Definitive Technology and Aperion Audio home theatre/stero systems. Initially I thought the bass was a *little* lacking, but the cans have developed a fuller, richer sound with burn-in. I'm tempted to buy a second pair so I don't have to carry mine from home to work all the time.

Read Best Reviews of Sennheiser HD-280 PRO Headphones Here

If you are reading my review to know exactly which headphone you are going to buy, thats a bad idea. There are really only 2 steps to buy a phone that you love.

1. Know What Sound You Like. There are basically 3 types of sounds. A natural sound, colorful/vibrant sound(no so much artificial),and an artificial sound that is very bassy. The first step is find out which of these sounds you like most.

2. Match the headphones to your audio source. If you would use a portable device then make sure you get a low impedance (25-35) headphone. There are also the professional type for studio monitoring. These have higher impedance (60's)

Don't ever go by what somone else says because everyone has very different taste. Make sure you listen to the headphones before making sure they're the ones for you. If you have no clue which headphones to start with to find out what sound you really like I can give you some ideas. If you think you would like natural sound and use headphones for a portable device try out the Sennheiser HD 497. If you like natural soud and you listen to music through a reciever or a high powered audio source try the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro. For colorful sound try the Sony MDR-V6; try the Sony MDR-V600 which are the replacements for the V6. I found the Sonys to be kind of and exception. They are good for both high powered audio sources and mp3 players. They will sound bettter on a high powered source, but they don't sound too shabby on a mp3 player. For plain bassy and artificial sound(ideal for techno) try the Sennheiser HD 212 Pro(portable devices). If you like portability I believe that the Sennheiser PXC 100 have the best sound and are the most convienient to travel with.REMEMBER: Never buy your headphones because of others opinion. The HD 280 Pro are NOT good for portable devices in my opinion. But if you listen to music through a reciever or watch tv with headphones, go for it. These headphones in my opinion are the most natural sounding headphones on the market. Sennheisers I find are the best value for what you get, including the warranty. My biggest complaint with the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro is that it is very uncomfortable.

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Be careful when you order HD-280 these days: ships the HMD-280 instead. It happened twice in a row to me. I was told that shipping is automated. So, since the identical mistake happened twice already, it would likely happened a 3rd time. Therefore, the employee said, better get a refund rather than re-order again! Hard to believe that a human could not supersede the automation when an obvious mistake has been found in the automated shipping process. I refuse to believe it, and I am writing this review in an effort (among others) to get management's attention to fix the problem.

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First of all let me say that I bought these for my mp3 player to get the most out of it. It sounds sort of ridiculous because the mp3 player is like 1/10th the size of the headphones, nonetheless that was my purpose for them. Personally I don't care how big the headphones are within reason and these are definitely within reason. Basically when I listen to my music I want to be getting the most out of it whenever I listen to it. I guess you could call me an audiophile even though I had never even heard of the term until a few months ago. These headphones were bought to replace a cheaper version of some Sennheiser's that worked fine, but were just annoying to wear and were giving me headaches. In any case, let me start with that. I find these to be much more comfortable and better built than the ones I had. The actual size of the head phones changes instead of just the position of the earpieces. Also, the cups completely encompass the ear which not only are more comfortable but create a much richer sound. The padding is definitely more on the professional size and feel.

When you look at these headphones the first thing you notice is they have a professional fit and finish to them. For obvious reasons this happens, these are the pro model. They are more like contortionist headphones than any other I have ever seen. There are something like twelve different positions they can be folded into, which allows for storage because they can be bulky. The cord is very nice and thick and coiled so you don't have to worry about it having to be rolled up. It is also pretty much tangle proof. The piece that covers the head is wide and seems very sturdy. From what I can tell so far they are built to last.

Now to talk about the sound. When you first put them on there is a eureka sense that you get if you have sensitive ears. Its like, "What have I been missing?" sort of feeling. It is as if you were looking through a dirty cracked window before, but now it is crystal clear. All ranges can be heard-lows, mids, and highs. To demystify one thing I noticed in other reviews that have been said about these headphones; they do not have any lack of bass-period. In fact I find the bass to be even better than the other cheaper headphones that are bass oriented. This is because you get more out of the bass. You don't just get booming noises, you get the bass guitar, deep sounds, different voice tones and brilliant music. In other words, I would say the bass is not weak, but multidimensional. One way to describe the sound that comes from these headphones is that when you listen on a pair of normal headphones you hear maybe 2 or 3 dynamic parts of the song (bass, vocals and maybe background instruments) On these when they are tuned correctly you will hear all of them-bass, vocals, acoustics, three dimensional sound, other instruments and clarity. This is what I would call a truly high definition sound and is dynamic.

Just purely listening to the headphones is a great experience, but I use two different equalizers on my computer. This ensures THE best possible sound can be attained in my opinion. Sennheiser went to great lengths to engineer these headphones to be replicators, in the sense that they replicate exactly how the music sounded when heard in real life if not better. Everything is crystal clear and these being my first professional set of headphones I am thoroughly impressed. I would consider myself to be a pretty multi-faceted music listener, so I had a chance to test it with rock music, classical, softer music, vocals and music with just a considerable amount of components. Not once would one think that one single genre sounds better than another and I find the equalizer setup I have excellent with any of the music I listen to. Because these are studio quality headphones you would expect them to block out sound. While listening to music they are pretty much impervious to outside sound. Just using them as noise-blockers however I would say they only block maybe 40-60 decibels of sound.

The only real qualm I have with these headphones is the size. This was taken into account when I went searching for a new pair however. I don't plan on using them while running on a treadmill.

The real question is whether or not you should buy it. If you are an audiophile, a person with sensitive hearing who enjoys quality music, a musician or just a purist, then I really think these are a superb value. With an original price of $200 they have really come down to just an enthusiast's price level. Were you a studio employed sound technician, demanded the best of the best quality or are just plain rich then these would not serve your purpose because of course there are better ones out there which can run into the hundreds and thousands even. On the other hand the majority of people are: iPod/mp3 player owners, can't tell the difference between a $20 pair and a $100 pair, plain old music listeners, not wanting to spend the extra money or dont want a couple of princess Leia headphones attached to their head in the gym or walking around. Unfortunately many will not come to know the sublime sounds of the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro because of these very reasons. However, I think that the value is unbeatable. For those who are in that class with me try these out and I doubt you will be dissapointed.